Sunday, October 26, 2008

Joy in the Little Things - Day 25

Today we were blessed to join some WONDERFUL friends at the Dallas Arboretum! I was super excited because it was my first time there to actually walk around and see the beautiful flowers. We joined the Self Family and had a blast hanging with them and just loving on their kids. We are so excited for them to grow up being friends with Caleb. Caleb honey, you are so blessed already to have so many people who love you so much and can't wait to meet you!

Anyway, I've uploaded a few pictures that Aaron & I took from our time there. Thank you Lord for the beautiful weather, the wonderful relaxing time we had sitting under the tree sharing a picnic lunch with such great friends, and a chance to see your creation through the eyes of two precious children of yours! Thank you for the sweet reminder that you have created all things. Your nature and creatures are such a blessing to my heart, each and every day!!
Aaron and I, I'm 29 weeks here!

Karla & I - such a sweet and precious friendship that I cherish so much!!

Noah wanted to walk all the way around the fountain with me, oh such joy fills my heart with you Noah, sweet little man!!

Haley - what a honey you are! Priceless I tell ya!!

Brother & Sister!
Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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