Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th, 6 Months and Carrots!

July 4th was a VERY big day for Caleb! Not only was it his 1st Fireworks day, but it was also his half birthday and his first day of solid foods!!!

Our day started out great. Since the heat was SO horrible, we decided to stay in for the day and just hang out at home and play. It was so nice that it was a Saturday and Daddy was home with us! We spent time playing and watching Caleb roll across the room in 30 seconds or less! This momma has got to start watching out or my baby might roll on into another room!

Lunchtime came around and we were ready to start some solid food! I had been feeding Caleb rice cereal mixed in his bottle for about a month, and in a bowl, thicker consistency, for about two weeks, so I knew it was about time to add some flavor to the mix. We picked carrots first. Experiment? Yes. Success? YES!! HE LOVED THEM! He was a little hesitant at first, but he kept opening his mouth for more. Before I knew it, the carrots, rice cereal and bottle were all gone! There are a few pics below as well as a video at the very bottom, of his carrot experience.

After lunch, we got him dressed in his 4th of July outfit and had our own little photo session on the couch. He's not quite sitting up on his own yet (we think he's a little too top heavy, I mean the child has a huge head...maybe this means he'll be super smart...), so we propped him up in the very middle of the couch, where the two cushions meet. It ended up giving him the support he needed to sit up long enough for us to shoot some pics.

That night, we were tempted to take him to the local fireworks show, but it actually worked out better to go over to some friends house (thanks Katie & Jarret for opening your home to us!) so that we could put Caleb down for bed and just briefly wake him up when the fireworks started. We had so much fun playing Spades with Katie & Jarret, and eating brownies of course! We stayed until 12:30am playing cards!! Once the fireworks started, we pulled up the chairs on the back patio and watched away. After about five minutes, I decided I didn't want Caleb to miss out on his first fireworks show, so I went and got him up, took him to the window right outside his room, and he got to see his first fireworks!! I think he must have really loved them because he was reaching for them, or maybe it was just the cool blinds on the window...I'm going to choose to believe that it was the fireworks though! After about a minute, I took him back to bed and he fell right back asleep! I know he will never remember, but this momma will never forget! After the whole Mother's Day fiasco (not a single picture of me and my sweet boy was taken on my first Mother's Day), I promised myself that I would never let him (or I) miss capturing any of his firsts, including holidays!

A couple things I don't want to forget about you being 6 months old...

1. YOU ARE GROWING WAAAYYYY TOO FAST!! I can't believe you are already half a year old sweetie!

2. You LOVE to roll anywhere. It is your movement of choice right now. You roll from one side of the living room to the other in about 30 seconds. You can now roll all ways, tummy to back, back to tummy, right to left, left to right!

3. You still love to eat. Somedays you eat three times a day and sometimes it's four, either way, you still consume at least 24-32 oz. of formula/rice cereal bottles + rice cereal in a bowl.

4. You are starting to make new noises and faces! Of course, I know this is normal, but it's still new to me, and you! You are beginning to start expressing yourself through the sounds you make with your mouth. Sometimes you involve your hands and feet as well, that's when it gets interesting!

5. You consistently take 2-3 naps per day, around the same time every day, that's super duper fun for mommy! Getting you more on a schedule has been great. I know in the end it benefits you more than anyone else.

6. You love it when daddy makes a certain popping noise with his mouth, it makes you go crazy happy!

7. Whenever you're overtired, you start shaking your head side to side really fast. It's almost like you are trying to keep yourself awake just a little longer. Usually it lasts only a minute or so and then you're out!

8. You like running errands with mommy and LOVE going to the store and seeing everything. You just sit so nice and quietly in your carseat in the shopping cart and just look around.

9. You are consistently sleeping 12-13 hours a night without waking up for a feeding! Sometimes you will wake up because you lost your pacy, but once I give it back, you fall right back asleep. This usually only happens before midnight, which is great since mommy and daddy have been going to bed later lately, so sometimes we're still awake when this happens!

10. You do great with strangers! This is WONDERFUL!!! Even Dr. C (peditrician) notices and compliments you. He's surprised everytime when you don't cry or even complain at all at your visits. Even when you get your shots you only cry for about 30 seconds and then you're fine!

11. #10 leads me to this one, your 6 month stats: 19 lbs. 12 oz. and 27 1/4 inches long! You're a big boy! In the 75th - 90th % for everything! Rock on honey, keep growing, we love you chunky monkey!!

12. You still LOVE bathime with daddy! AMEN to this!

13. You are fascinated with the picture slideshow that's on mommy's computer (it's all pictures of YOU!!). Seriously, you will sit and stare for a solid 5 minutes!!

14. You love music! We often sit in mommy's office together and listen to music and sometimes I think you're trying sing along because you just go on and on and on!

15. Your bald spot is gone! Your hair is growing, this is very exciting for mommy and daddy!

16. You love playing peek a boo with mommy. You sit on my lap on the couch and I look away really fast and then look right back at you and say peek a boo, you laugh hysterically, it's so cute!

17. You have your first two bottom middle teeth!!! You got them both within 12 hours of each other. Needless to say, it was the most difficult and emotional two days for this momma with you yet!

18. You have started this whole buzzing thing with your lips (see video below for example), it's hilarious! You look so serious when you do it! I LOVE IT!!!

19. You are always a great baby in the nursery at church, THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!

20. You are really showing your personality and it's so fun to watch you grow into it! You are a very relaxed baby, but sometimes really intense, just like mommy! And you definitely have daddy's sense of humor! You have me laughing so hard sometimes that in turn you end up laughing at me! Those are moment's I definitely don't want to forget!

Baby, I love you more and more each day! You are one of the biggest blessings the Lord has ever given me! You are more precious than anything else, and I want you to know that you can ALWAYS count on me to be here for you, to love you, to encourage you, to teach you and to support you! You are such a precious gift! I love you Caleb!! Love, Mommy

Notice in this video that Aaron was alseep the entire time! Hilarious!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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