Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Our Memorial Day Weekend was filled with relaxing, relaxing and more relaxing! Honestly, I don't remember the last time we had an entire weekend with nothing on the calendar! It truly was wonderful! We went shopping and played with Caleb and the best part was Sunday afternoon we took Caleb swimming! We didn't get pictures from any other time of the weekend so I only have pool pics to post, but I have to admit, they are pretty cute! Aaron did a GREAT job with our camera, capturing the essence of Caleb's curiousity with the little leaves at the pool, as well as his excitement about the water. I have a feeling he's going to be a little fishy just like his momma!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!


Unknown said...

Those are great pictures of you guys! It sure is hard to beat those three day family weekends.

Katie said...

Great pics! What a cutie pie!