Last night was a BIG night for all four of us! Caleb officially moved to his big boy bed, and stayed in it all night long (Woo Hoo!!), AND Asher had his first full bath!!! In order for Caleb to transition, we of course, had to move his entire play room in to a different room in the apartment. Kind of hard to do when it's only a two bedroom, but I managed to rearrange the dining room so that we could put all of his toys in there, and I think it actually works out pretty good (although we'll be tight for space as far as hosting anyone for dinner).
As soon as I saw this big boy bedding at Target I knew I wanted it for at least Caleb, if not both the boys once they are older and sharing bunk beds. I absolutely LOVE the colors and layout of the quilt and the sheets are matching stripes.
I only see Aaron. I want to see your baby pic to see if I see what you see too. But for now, I see Daddy. I can relate, none of mine look like me either. :)
Such a cute pic of Asher! And way to go Caleb!!!
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