Remarkable Victory - winning over worry. How many of us dwell on the mistakes of our past? How many hours do you think you've spent thinking about past mistakes, past hurts, past situations we wish we could change? I know I've spent probably hundreds of hours over my lifetime, thinking about different scenarios in the past that I have wished I could go back and change! It's not only dishonoring to God when we think on the past and question, "...if only I had...", but when we look on the past, things also get distorted and our minds often make the situation worse or different than it really was, I mean, we are going off of a memory that we created in our own minds. How often do you think Satan distorts memories of our past, to make them out to be worse than they actually were, so you will feel more guilt and shame? Isn't that his prerogative? We must discipline ourselves to not focus on the past, but focus on the here and now, and what God has done in our lives through life experiences. Focus on who we are in Christ NOW!
Remarkable Trust - I can trust God with 1) My #1 problem of each day, whether it's work or family related, or a sin struggle that I have not confessed, or ANYTHING, I can trust the Lord with it! 2) I can trust the Lord with the good things in my life. 3) I can trust the Lord with the bad things in my life. 4) I can trust the Lord with the big things in my life, 4) And I can trust the Lord with the smallest thing sin my life!!
The time spent at this conference was such a blessing to my heart. A lot of these things I truly needed to hear, even though I would not have admitted it at the time! Since my biggest struggle is finding and experiencing joy in my life, and the lack of joy outpouring itself through anger, the Lord really awoke my heart to the truth in Philippians 4:8. I have found that I think so negatively, about pointless matters, people who's actions I have no control over and truly negative thoughts about past choices, rather than find joy in everyday living. This weekend, I experienced joy, true joy from the Lord, for the first time in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I have experienced the happiness of pregnancy, as well as the emotional roller coaster of it, but I truly found joy in such the little things this weekend.
I found myself crying tears of joy on the plane ride home, because Caleb was kicking me. I was overwhelmed at the fact that this little life is growing inside me, and that he is "fearfully & wonderfully made" by our Heavenly Father. I praised the Lord as I was reading a book by Elizabeth George, "A Mom After God's Own Heart", and realizing what a privilege I have of being Caleb's mommy, already, even in the womb. He is life, he is breathing and kicking, and doing somersaults, he is REAL! I found joy in spending quality time with my mom, GREAT quality time. I found joy in hearing the story of one of the singers at the conference who is currently pregnant as a surrogate mother for one of her friends who is not able to carry a child full-term. I found joy in the smallest blessings of being able to enjoy spending time with my sweet Grandma, who, while she is getting up there in age, has such a spunk and such a joy filled spirit, all because of the work that Christ has done and continues to do in her heart. I experienced joy through spending time at dinner with my dad. I was filled with joy and laughter as he greeted me with a, "Hey momma!" How precious those words were to my heart to hear, coming from him!!! I am experiencing joy as I write this blog post, because I know that the God of the universe, knows MY name, knows the number of hairs on my head, knows when I sit and when I rise, knows every thought, knows every desire, knows every hurt, and still chooses to love me, unconditionally as HIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL!!!! What a precious gift I have been given! Thank you Lord, for your love and devotion to me, I do choose to praise you because I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made, by your hands, just as I am!!
Mom & I