Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our 1st Date Night!

While my mom was in town this past week, she was wonderful to let us go out for our first date night since Caleb was born! While it was short (we were both so exhausted), it was much needed and we had such a fun time. We went to Red Lobster for dinner (my pick), then made a trip to Best Buy where we had $60 in coupons and got to pick out some Blue Ray movies, and finally stopped off at Kohl's to try and find some gloves for Aaron, but instead found me some! We were out for about 2 hours, but it felt like so much longer! I, of course, called home to check in and Caleb was being great for Grandma, no surprise there.

One other thing I don't want to forget about the night, was the fact that I got to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans!!!

Thanks again, Mom, for everything you did during your week here. You were an amazing help, from cooking dinner, to doing laundry, to cleaning the bathrooms, to taking the early night feeding so that I could get some much needed sleep! I might be calling you to come back sooner than you think! I love you!!

And finally, here's a picture of Aaron and I as we're getting ready to leave.

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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