Here are some of the many faces you have made since your new life began! I love all of them Caleb! You are so precious!
Sleeping on Grandma Preuss
Sleeping on Grandma Preuss
Smiling!!! I love this one!!
Daddy holding you football style, getting ready to put you down for a nap!
Your "O" face, so stinkin' cute!!
Another great shot of your "O" face!
My brown eyed boy! Just like daddy!
Smiling for daddy
Sleeping on Grandma Preuss

My interpretation of you trying to do some type of jedi master mind trick on daddy, you look so focused honey!!
What wonderful pictures!! I love all those sweet baby faces. Love the updates and all the little happenings in Caleb's life. Thanks for sharing..
LOVE all the pics. Okay, yes, the wrinkled dog picture actually is kinda funny. He's truly a gorgeous little baby!
Wow. He's so beautiful, Jill! Really. I see a lot of his daddy in that first pic of him. What a doll. Makes me want to snuggle a newborn!!!
Enjoy every moment! I'm so thrilled for you!
Why oh WHY do guys like making everything a satire? LOL loved the pics!
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