Monday, January 26, 2009

Time Well Spent

So, today is the first (well technically the 2nd) day that I am home with Caleb alone, no help. I have not been fearful of this day leading up to it, I've actually found myself very excited. While I am MORE THAN GRATEFUL for ALL of the help both Grandma's have been, I am looking forward to getting into a routine with Caleb on our own.

So, it's almost 3:30pm right now, and Caleb has been sleeping since about 11:45am. AMAZING! During this time, I have been very purposeful. I turned off the t.v., sometimes a very hard thing for me to do, and opened up my Bible (what a concept, sleeping baby = time with the Lord!). I'm way behind on The Journey but am not going to give up! I'm not skipping any days either, I am just going to work on catching up, taking it one day at a time.

The Journey entry I did today was Psalm 4. The main verse was vs. 8, which says, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." The truth from this verse that I took is that no matter what my circumstance, the Lord is fully aware of my situation and I can trust Him to take care of me.

There have been many moments since becoming a new mommy that I have been filled with anxiety and fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of how the nightshift will go with Caleb. Will he sleep or be fussy? Fear of SIDS (this is my biggest fear of all). Fear that I will get frustrated with him when he won't go to sleep. Fear that he will grow up not trusting the Lord with his life.This life altering change that has taken place, a new sweet little life, is often overwhelming for me, yet, I know that the Lord is unchanging, and He knows every hair on Caleb's head. He knows all of Caleb's days before he was even conceived! What truths and promises those are, and what joy and comfort they provide to my heart! The Lord is holding sweet little Caleb in his arms at all times, and will keep him safe.

Lord, thank you for being all I need. Thank you for your promises, so I don't have to fear the unknown. Thank you that I live in a place where I can worship you freely. Where I can read your Word aloud, and pray aloud, to and with my son. Thank you for stirring my heart towards you, not only today, but every day. Thank you for Caleb. Thank you for the blessing he is to me. Help me not be so frustrated in the middle of the night when I cna't get him back to sleep. Help me to have patience with him. Help me to remember that this is only a phase and sooner than I know, he will be older and sleeping through the night. Help me to cherish this time that I have with him now. Help me not wish for easier times, but to cling to you during the hard times. Help me to remember that he is YOURS, and that he is a gift to me. Help me to trust YOU with his life and not worry about what tomorrow will bring, but enjoy EVERY moment I have with him TODAY! Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness. Thank you for your patience and grace with me as I try to be the best mommy I can to Caleb. Thank you for times like this, when he is sleeping soundly and I get to praise and worship you through song, time in your living Word, and prayer. I love you, Lord!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

The Many Faces of Caleb

Here are some of the many faces you have made since your new life began! I love all of them Caleb! You are so precious!

Sleeping on Grandma Preuss

Sleeping on Grandma Preuss

Sleeping on Grandma Preuss

Smiling!!! I love this one!!

Daddy holding you football style, getting ready to put you down for a nap!

Your "O" face, so stinkin' cute!!

Another great shot of your "O" face!

My brown eyed boy! Just like daddy!

Smiling for daddy

My interpretation of you trying to do some type of jedi master mind trick on daddy, you look so focused honey!!

Smiling big again for daddy

and again

Ok, this one was all daddy's fault. He thought it was funny to make you look like a SharPe dog. While it's funny, I'll try to keep his antics to a minimum next time!

This is your typical face whenever mommy or daddy go to burp you. Usually your mouth is hanging wide open though. So adorable!!

And this is your "I'm in my happy food coma place now mommy" look!

Happily content with just haning out!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

3 Weeks Old

Caleb, today you are 3 weeks old! Mommy can't believe it! The first three weeks of your life have been amazing, wonderful, difficult at times, but absolutely more thrilling than I could ever have imagined!

You've gone from newborn baby to a little chunky monkey! You eat up to 6 oz at each feeding, wow! That's double what a normal baby your age should be eating. The nurse said that it's ok to keep feeding you as much as you'll eat, there must be a reason you're eating that much to begin with!

At your two week appointment, you weighed in at 8lbs. 14.5oz., which means you've already gained over a pound. Most babies are just getting back to their birth weight at that point, so you're ahead of the game. You also ranked in the 50th percentile for weight and height, which is perfect, since mommy and daddy are both the "average" american size.

You love to sleep, well, during the day that is! Night times are a little rough, but we're working through them, and daddy has been a HUGE help with that! He comes in and saves the day when mommy gets a little too tired, frustrated and emotional. Thank you for that daddy, you are AMAZING!! You sleep on your side sometimes, but have found that sleeping on your stomach is your favorite position, especially if it's on mommy or daddy's chest!

You also love to make a ton of different faces. We find ourselves sitting and staring at you, just laughing because you are so stinkin' cute! I'll post more of your faces next...

You are very alert and STRONG! You have been able to lift and move your head on your own since about 10 days old. Sometimes, we don't know where you're going to go and have trouble holding you still. You often fight us when we're trying to change your diaper and/or changes your onesie, but somehow, we always get it worked out, even if it does take and extra 5 minutes!

You LOVE to grunt when burping, and espeically when you're making a dirty, like most babies. It's so adorable to see your grunting face, you squint your forehead and sometimes curl your lips. Mommy just can't get enough of you!!

You also LOVE bathtime. Thank goodness our bathroom is the warmest place in the whole house, I think that definitely has something to do with it. You don't fuss hardly at all, and mommy loves getting you all wrapped up in your little hoodie towel when we're through, and holding you tight (with the exception of when you decide to pee pee in your towel and all over mommy as well)!

You now have a double chin, and no visible neck. Thanks to all that extra food you're getting, no doubt! You're also starting to get some serious rolls on your thighs. Mommy is still praying against the 25lbs. at 4 months like your daddy was. I want to continue to be able to hold you and love on you without having to worry about my arm falling off from you being so heavy. I think you'll fill out nicely, and I know that chunky babies are much healthier and cuter as well. Keep packing on those pounds, in moderation of course honey! You will only continue to get cuter with time, I know it!!

Things I want to remember most about this time with you...

1.) I LOVE BEING AT HOME WITH YOU!!!! I feel like for the 1st time in my life, I'm actually living out what I was created to do, be a mommy!! Thank you Lord, for this, as I know it's only because of you that I am able to do this full time!!

2.) You sometimes coo and talk in your sleep. Mommy is starting to learn all your different noises and cries and it's so fun!!

3.) You have laughed twice now and smile all the time (all while dreaming of course)! Daddy missed the 1st time you laughed, but you did it again while he was holding you the other day and his smile was ear to ear!! I can't wait to hear you laugh and see you smile on purpose, not just because you're dreaming!

4.) You like to be swaddled, but you have to have your arms loose. Just like you were in the womb. I always felt you moving the little parts of your body and now I'm realizing that it was probably your arms and hands tht were always tickling me!

5.) You have sucked on daddy's face and nose many times hoping to find more food, but are always disappointed at the outcome. Of course, daddy teases you pretty bad, so he's got it coming to him anyway!

6.) You are done with newborn diapers and are already in size 1! I can't believe it! They are still a little bit big on you, but you do a great job of filling them to the maximum capacity. That's how we knew you were ready for the next size up.

So, here's my current favorite picture of you, smiling of course! You are precious and such a blessing and gift from the Lord! I love praying with you during the night, and praying for you during the day. You are healthy, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made and such a JOY to my heart, each and every day! I love you Caleb!!
Here's the cutest picture yet, you smiling! I've tried at least two dozen times to get this shot, and I'm so glad I finally did!!! You are precious, and so stinkin' cute!!! I love you baby!!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Addendum to Friday's Post

I forgot to add to our eventful day on Friday, that Caleb found his thumb!! That was another huge moment, and while I don't have visual proof yet (as in a picture), I'm working on getting one and will post it asap!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, A Big Day at the Garcias

Friday was a very eventful day for us! We started out pretty early. Caleb ate breakfast and then we started to get ready to go visit all our friends at Shay's 1st Birthday party! Caleb, of course, had to show up in style, and I must admit, it was SUPER fun for me to dress him in his first outfit, rather than just a cute little white onesie that he wears all day while at home. I know, it's a little big, but what can I say, he just so stinkin' cute anyway!!

Shay thoroughly enjoyes her cupcake and by the end of eating it, she was wearing it head to toe.

This is such a sweet picture of Katie and Julia! I'm so sad I didn't get more pictures of the event!
Once we got home from the birthday party, it was nap time. I love it when he curls up on mommy's chest and sleeps like this, it's one of my favorite parts of the day!
Our next big event was Caleb's bathtime! We were still sponge bathing at this time because his cord had not fallen off yet, but it did later that day and his belly button is looking so great! At first he was crying but once we got going, I think he ended up enjoying himself very much because he just sat there and cooed (sp?) as I wiped him down with soapy water!
After bathtime, it was time for a manicure! We sat in the rocker and I trimmed and filed Caleb's sharp nails. We're hoping that as the weeks go on, his face will clear up and he will stop scratching his face up. Poor little guy, the first week his face was pretty beat up, but each day it's getting better!
He also spent some time in our swing! Thanks to Travis and Andrea for letting us borrow it! While he's still too little to actually swing in it (the 1st setting of the swing is pretty violent for his size), he enjoyes just sitting in it and looking around, and of course, falling asleep!

And, of course, I had to add a favorite picture of the day. What a sweetie he is!

This is my absolute favorite picture of the day, by far. He sure does love his chest time with us! He's such a cuddler! If only he could sleep this well at night and not just during the day!!
Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Our 1st Date Night!

While my mom was in town this past week, she was wonderful to let us go out for our first date night since Caleb was born! While it was short (we were both so exhausted), it was much needed and we had such a fun time. We went to Red Lobster for dinner (my pick), then made a trip to Best Buy where we had $60 in coupons and got to pick out some Blue Ray movies, and finally stopped off at Kohl's to try and find some gloves for Aaron, but instead found me some! We were out for about 2 hours, but it felt like so much longer! I, of course, called home to check in and Caleb was being great for Grandma, no surprise there.

One other thing I don't want to forget about the night, was the fact that I got to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans!!!

Thanks again, Mom, for everything you did during your week here. You were an amazing help, from cooking dinner, to doing laundry, to cleaning the bathrooms, to taking the early night feeding so that I could get some much needed sleep! I might be calling you to come back sooner than you think! I love you!!

And finally, here's a picture of Aaron and I as we're getting ready to leave.

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Introducing Caleb Aaron Garcia

WOW! Where do I start? I can't believe I'm a new mommy! I always dreamed of this time in my life, and now that it's here, I'm overwhelmed with joy. I find myself staring at Caleb and just tearing up multiple times a day. He is such a gift from the Lord! It truly is hard to find words to express what I feel!

Caleb is a strong boy. When he is eating, he tucks his sweet little arms and hands under his chin, it's the cutest thing! He's also a kicker. He loves to have his hands outside of his swaddle so that he can suck on them and knock the pacy out of his mouth multiple times during the night. He kicks his socks off all the time as well. He loves to be cradled and held anytime of the day, but does so well going down for a nap. He's a talker. Once he's eaten, he loves to just sit and chat it up, very wide-eyed! I love when he looks at me, even though I know he can't see who I am, he knows my voice and that is one of the best feelings ever! He talks a lot during the night, which makes it hard for me to get sound sleep, but at least he's not screaming! He's a very content boy, the only time he fusses is when he's hungry, or when he's getting a diaper change. Other than that, he does not cry at all, PRAISE THE LORD!!! He loves being held by daddy and daddy loves holding him. As soon as Aaron walks in the door from work, he takes Caleb out of my arms!

Today I read him his first book, "You Are Special" by Max Lucado. As he sat there and stared into my eyes, I barely made it through the book without soaking the pages. That book has been one of my most favorite books for a very long time and I always dreamed of reading it to my children. By the end of the story, Caleb was asleep in my arms and I just sat there and thanked the Lord for this tiny little blessing. I never knew I could love something so much, I feel so often like I truly am just going to explode just watching him as he is eating, or with his hiccups, or even making a dirty diaper, it's just so stinkin' cute! When he sleeps he is all grins and smiles. I love watching him sleep for that reason alone. I'm still working on getting a great picture of his smile and will upload it as soon as I do!

I thought I was emotional during pregnancy, but man, I had no idea what was coming. Tears flow very easily now, mostly because I'm just so overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness and gratitude for this amazing blessing, but every once in a while, I have to admit, I'm overwhelmed by lack of sleep and that causes me to be a little over emotional (this has only happened during the night when I'm trying to make a bottle with one hand while holding a screaming baby in the other hand, who has a very stinky diaper and won't take his pacy because it doesn't have milk coming out of it!).

We are bottle feeding as well as I am pumping and feeding him whatever supply I can get. When Caleb was born, we found out he had Jaundice, so as soon as we got home, we had to start supplementing. At the time I was "breastfeeding" but didn't realize that my milk supply had not come in. After a visit from my lactation consultant we decided that it would be best for me to pump and then feed whatever supply I could get, to Caleb in a bottle, in addition to a formula bottle. I'm thankful, in a weird way, that he had jaundice, or I don't know that I would have known that my supply was so low. We are still praying that my supply would multiply and that I could go back to just breastfeeding, not only for the financial benefit of it, but because I truly desire to have that experience with him. No matter what, though, I'm thankful that Caleb loves to eat and has taken to the bottle so well. We've had no other feeding issues with him, and so I will just keep pumping as long as my body is producing even the slightest bit of colostrum/milk.

My mom got in town Monday and I can't tell you how wonderful it has been to have her here helping. She even let us get out for a couple hours Monday night. I don't know that I've ever been so excited to go grocery shopping at Target! I think we might have a date night sometime this week as well. I still haven't decided how long I want her to stay, but she has said she will stay however long I need her here. She has already made us dinner and that has been a huge blessing as well. Thanks mom, you rock!

Well, I'm going to stop there. I know this is a long post, and I apologize, but I wanted to document a lot of our first week at home events. I've added a ton of my favorite pictures taken during the first 10 days of Caleb's life, and I do plan on posting his labor and delivery story here pretty soon. Enjoy the pictures!!

He loves to make this "mad/confused" face quite often, it's so cute!

Asleep on Daddy

Heading home from the hospital all bundled up!!

My precious little bear!!

One of my favorite pics taken of our sweet little guy so far!

Daddy and Caleb!

Enjoying a nap at the hospital

Sleeping at home. He sleeps the same way I do, with both hands tucked up!

Another sleeping position, apparently, this is how I slept as a baby with my hands folded up...So cute!!

Precious little sleeping baby!

Face time with Daddy!

Watching TV with Daddy

Sleeping like a champ!

This is the best picture of his grin/smile I have gotten so far. I'm working on getting a better one though!


I think this is my favorite pic so far. He was sleeping on my legs and I just couldn't resist!

Sleeping on Daddy, again!

Trying to eat his hands (he's usually very successful at this!)

Sleeping on Mommy!

One of our first family photos!

This is actually our first family photo. I was crying such tears of joy and relief that he was finally here!! Our sweet family of THREE!!! Thank you JESUS!!!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!