Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did You Wear Green?

My little man sure did for St. Patrick's Day, and boy oh boy is he cute (yes, I am his mommy and I love saying he's cute! What mommy doesn't?!?)!!!

More Pictures....

Just some more pictures to show off Caleb's many faces! He's now smiling so much more and having conversations with me throughout the day! It's so cute!

Like Father Like Son...

Naptime with Daddy!

Sleeping away...
Sweet Caleb!
Like Father Like Son...Literally!

Cuddling with Daddy!

"I'm watching you Dad!"

Snuggle Time!

More snuggle time (right after his 2 month shots, so sad!)

Just sleeping away!!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Date with Julia (not meant literally...)

A couple weeks ago we got to hang out with some dear friends of ours, Jarret, Katie, and Julia Kate. We were all astonished to find out that even though Caleb and Julia are 7 months apart in age, they look almost identical in size! Suffice to say, Caleb is an "extra large" and sweet Julia is a "small"! We love them both, and we know that they are created exactly how God designed them to be, even in their size!! I love you Caleb and Julia!!!