Sunday, December 4, 2011

35 Months

Oh Caleb, I am so amazed at how much you've grown up the past month!  Your vocabulary has doubled in size, and I can tell you're learning a lot from just listening to those around you (you repeat a lot)!!  You continue to eat pretty much everything we give you.  You still cuddle just as much as ever, and love it when I take you in to bed at night.  You always request that I sing to you and pray.  It's one of my most favorite moments of the day for sure!

You like to lounge around the house, just like me, yet you get really excited whenever we get dressed and go out somewhere, even if it's just a car ride.  You haven't yet understood the concept of something being over or gone.  We were driving down the highway and saw a firetruck that we passed by on the outer road and when you couldn't see it anymore you asked for it to come back, but it couldn't and you just lost it.  It was cute, but sad.  Also, you are learning that boys and girls look different in the sense of hair length, what they are wearing and what their voice sounds like.  It's very fascinating for me to sit back and literally watch your brain develop!  I LOVE IT!!

You are doing excellent in pre-school and come home with a great report every day!  I'm so proud of you and knew all along that you would blossom being around other kids!

You've taken a liking to a rudolph puzzle I got you from the $1 bin at Target.  Seriously, we do this puzzle every single day, multiple times!  I'm pretty convinced you have memorized where the pieces go because you can finish that 24 piece puzzle in less than five minutes all by yourself!

Here are a few pics from the past month!  I love you so very much honey!  Only one more month and you'll be THREE, I simply can't believe it!!!

 I just love this little angelic face of yours!!!
  When I went to Branson for the weekend with Grandma and Aunt Julie, I brought home your very first Build-a-Bear.  We named him Charlie and you love him!  He sleeps right next to you every night!

 We had a great day outside and of course, spent a good chunk of it swinging (still your favorite thing to do at the park, just like mommy)!

Caleb, mommy and daddy love you so very much!  You are such a blessing to us each and every day!!!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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