Oh, my sweet precious honey!!! You are 29 months old and growing like a weed!! You continue to learn new words everyday, and continue to amaze me at how much you can comprehend and understand at such a young age! We've had a full month with lots of fun activities! You continue to be a wonderful big brother to Asher, and have started telling me where Asher is and what he is doing, including telling him "no no baby asher" when he makes his way over to the PS3 and takes the disc out to play with it! You are sharing, and thankfully, are doing so very much better with discipline and your attitude. I am absolutely in love with this stage of your life!! You have recently taken a liking to cuddling with me on the couch or in the chair multiple times a day. What PRECIOUS time that is, that I cherish so very much, and that brings me to tears almost every time, because I know how limited it is!! This past month we have been working on kindness and respect, both of which you have been doing excellent with! I love watching your little personality develop, as well as your character, and am so blessed that I get to be a part of the growing process with you! I continue to pray for your little heart, each and every day, that you would come to know the Lord as your Savior at a very young age, and allow Him to use you in mighty ways. The Lord has truly blessed my life with you and because of you, my little miracle baby! Mommy and Daddy love you so very very much!! Happy 29 month birthday big boy!!!
Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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