Thursday, March 17, 2011

Travel Week - Thursday

Well, today's travel tip is my detailed packing checklist! **Disclaimer: This packing list isn't for the faint at heart. Detailed doesn't even begin to explain what you are about to see. The reason that I do my checklist in this format is because when we pack to go home from a trip, I can check that I have every single thing I came with. Also note, this packing list is for a road trip, so the categories might be a little different than they would be for a trip taken on a plane.**

Packing List


_ _ Wallet

_ _ Phone

_ _ iPhone

_ _ Cash

_ _ Hand Sanitizer

_ _ Lip Gloss

_ _ Gum

_ _ Kleenex

Laptop Bag

_ _ Laptop

_ _ Laptop Cord

_ _ Books/Magazines

_ _ iPhone/Phone Chargers

_ _ Journal

_ _ Bible

_ _ Bible Study

_ _ Pens/Pencil Case

Diaper Bag - Large

_ _ Diapers

_ _ Wipes

_ _ DVDs

_ _ Change of Clothes - Caleb

_ _ Change of Clothes - Asher

_ _ Bibs

_ _ Burp cloths

_ _ Bottles

_ _ Formula

_ _ Pacy/Lovie

Diaper Bag - Small

_ _ Diapers

_ _ Wipes

_ _ Bib

_ _ Burpcloth

_ _ Lovie/Pacy - Caleb)

_ _ Pacy - Asher)

_ _ Changing Pad

_ _ Hand Sanitizer

Cooler/Snack Bags

_ _ Bottled Water

_ _ Juice Boxes

_ _ Granola Bars

_ _ Crackers

_ _ Sandwiches

_ _ Fruit

_ _ any other snacks


_ _ Jeans x 1

_ _ Cords x 1

_ _ Pants x 3

_ _ T-shirts x 3

_ _ Polos x 2

_ _ Long Sleeve x 5

_ _ pjs x 4

_ _ socks x 6

_ _ shoes x 1

_ _ jacket x 1

_ _ swimsuit x 1


_ _ jeans x 1

_ _ pants x 4

_ _ romper x 1

_ _ polo onesie x 2

_ _ short-sleeve onesie x 4

_ _ long sleeve onesie x 1

_ _ pjs x 6

_ _ socks x 5

_ _ swim suit x 2

_ _ bibs x 10

_ _ burp cloths x 5

_ _ microfiber cloths x 5

_ _ blanket x 1

_ _ pack n play sheet x 2


_ _ Jeans x 1

_ _ sweatpants x 2

_ _ capris x 1

_ _ hoodies x 2

_ _ sweater x 1

_ _ tanks x 3

_ _ short sleeve v-neck x 2

_ _ scoop neck x 1

_ _ t-shirts x 3

_ _ nice shirt x 2

_ _ long sleeve x 1

_ _ sports bra x 1

_ _ bra x 1

_ _ undies x 11

_ _ socks x 4

_ _ sneakers x 1

_ _ flip flops x 1

_ _ flats x 1

Toiletries - Adult

_ _ toothbrushes

_ _ toothpaste

_ _ brush

_ _ comb

_ _ shampoo

_ _ conditioner

_ _ soap

_ _ deodorant

_ _ make-up

_ _ face wash

_ _Q-tips

Toiletries/Bath/Meds - Kids

_ _ toothbrush - caleb

_ _ toothpaste

_ _ soap

_ _ shampoo - asher

_ _ Tylenol

_ _ Gripe Water

_ _ Baby Oragel

_ _ Thermometer

_ _ Probe Covers

_ _ Baby Oil

_ _ Saline Spray

_ _ Nose Freida

_ _ A&D Ointment

_ _ Q-Tips

_ _ Lotion

_ _ Bath toys


_ _ sound machine

_ _ sound monitor

_ _ George

_ _ Bunny

_ _ Blanket & Pillow - Caleb

_ _ Bouncer - Asher

_ _ Booster Seat - Caleb

_ _ Moby Wrap

_ _ Exersaucer

_ _ Boppy Pillow

_ _ Double Stroller

_ _ Umbrella Stroller

_ _ DVD Player

_ _ Pillows - A&J

_ _ Books/Toys

_ _ Baby Bath Tub

Feel free to use this list for yourself at any time!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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