Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Sweet Reminder

One of my dearest friends wrote me a “letter from God” while I was going through a very emotional and trying time. I was finding myself very discontent with where I was at in my life, but through the grace of God, and Him speaking through her to me, I found great comfort and solace in the things I have been given in life. The following is a small excerpt from the letter she wrote for me. What a sweet friend!

“My dearest Jill,
This is your heavenly Dad. We haven’t had a lot of quality time together in the past weeks but I wanted you to know that I love you. I have been here with you in everything you do and never leave your side. With the big heart I gave you, there’s plenty of room for my Spirit to live in you!! I know you have been down lately with many burdens on your shoulders. I beg of you to please let me carry those for you, even just for today. Please rest in knowing that I have EVERYTHING under control. I have and will continue to hold you in my hands moment by moment. I know you have been discontent with your job, your sleep, your desire to have a baby…just to name a few…and I do know them all. I know your every thought and feel every tear that runs down your sweet face. I hate to see you in pain. I love you my child. I am writing you this letter to remind you of all that I have done for you so that you might remember, count your blessings, and find joy in today and tomorrow!! I have provided for all your basic needs and more….You and Aaron are so rich in blessings!!! I know the desires of your heart to be a mommy. I have not forgotten that desire. My ways and my timing are perfect!! And remember that all of these things are of this world. I have also given you the greatest gift – eternal life with ME through my Son!! In all of this Jill, you have remained faithful to your husband, to your friends, and to me. Remember where I have brought you from and continue to have faith in where I will carry you in the days ahead.”

As I sit here and re-read this, tears still fill my eyes. Every single word of that is true, and I’m amazed at how many times I actually need to be reminded. While I know what I want out of life, I also know that the Lord’s plan for my life could be drastically different than my own plan. “He must become greater, I must become less.” John 3:30. I must learn to humble myself before Him and allow him to work in my heart. I often find that my “good days” happen when I am truly in communion with the Lord, whether through prayer, reading, journaling or being still before Him. Those are the days when I am completely content with where the Lord has me at this moment in time. Although those days are not often enough, when I really think about it, my heart gets really excited to find joy in the moments of everyday life and truly seek out the Lord’s best for me.

Be Blessed and Encouraged!

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